Dear Parents
Our first experience of the revised timetable for a Friday has prompted a series of challenges both for the Academy and our parents. The intention was to create a time in which our day of prayer could be properly recognised and enjoyed. Instead, many parents had a problem in arranging collection of their children at this time on a Friday and the pressure on the timetable caused by this change has caused many lessons to be added to the end of the day, Monday to Thursday. On reflection, this is not the outcome we desired and so, with regret, we will be suspending this new arrangement for the foreseeable future. Therefore, until further notice, our weekly timings and arrangements will revert to the structure previously applied, as follows:
- Monday to Friday – pupils arrive at 8.30am (and MUST be in school by 8.45am) and leave at 3.40pm
- Please be aware that repeated lateness at the beginning of the day and/or lateness of collection at the end of the day will warrant a response from the Academy up to and including a monetary charge (please see our revised Attendance Policy on the Academy’s website)
We apologise to parents who were inconvenienced by the arrangements and are grateful for the ways in which everyone has coped with them so far. However, as of today the old arrangements will apply and pupils will leave the Academy at 3.40pm every day of the week.
Yours sincerely
Dr Tahani Aljafari
Director General